Assessment of macronutrients intake status and energy expenditure of elite Paralympic athletes in Tabriz

Document Type : original article


Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Purpose: Paralympic games festival are the most important competitions for disabled people in the world
that is held regularly every four years. Competing in sport tournaments and having high performance in
tourney needs different schemes such as good nutrition. So the purpose of this study was to assess the
macronutrients intake status and energy expenditure of elite Paralympic athletes in Tabriz.
Methods: thirty five elite Paralympic athletes in Tabriz (24 men and 11 women: BMI: 25.8 and 22.9 kg.m−2
Body fat percentage: 22.6 and 28.7%, WHR: 0.96 and 0.85) filled consent and general information forms.
Three-day self-reported food diaries and energy expenditure were analyzed. Macronutrients, fiber and
calorie intake were calculated in Nutrition IV software. Energy expenditure and calorie of food intake in
various meals were analyzed too. Descriptive statistic was used for analyzing data.
Results: Mean amount of calorie intake and daily energy expenditure in men and women was (3573.7, 3179.2
in men and 2191.7, 2165.6 Kcal per day in women). Energy distribution in descending feature was in breakfast,
lunch, dinner and snacks in men. It was in lunch, dinner, breakfast and snacks in women. Intake of
macronutrients in elite Paralympic and fat intake in elite Paralympic was higher than reference values. Fiber
intake in men athletes was lower than reference values but it was higher than reference values in women. In
general, the calorie intake and energy expenditure in women were more favorable than men.
Conclusions: The amount of macronutrients intake status in elite Paralympic men and fat intake in elite Paralympic
women was more than reference values. Therefore, diet monitoring of Paralympic athletes seems necessary


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  • Receive Date: 10 February 2017
  • Revise Date: 18 April 2017
  • Accept Date: 10 May 2017
  • First Publish Date: 21 January 2019
  • Publish Date: 21 January 2019