Effect of two kinds of energy drinks (hype and big bear) on anaerobic power and fatigue index of teenager football players

Document Type : original article


Aim: Consumption of sport drinks is common among athletes and are used to improve exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of two kinds of energy drinks (hype and big bear) on anaerobic power of teenager football players. Methods: The present study was a semi-experimental. For this reason, 12 football players [Age (16.6±0.63 yrs.); height (167.7±6.07); BMI (22.9±4.2)] who had a two-year football experience, voluntarily participated in this study. After completing a health and physical activity questionnaire all subjects were present at the National Olympic Academy. They drunk energy drink big bear, hype and placebo (containing C vitamin and Saccharin NA) in 3 consecutive weeks in a cross over design following breakfast intake (6ml per weight). After a 5 minute warm-up with a uniform pattern, RAST test was obtained to determine peak anaerobic power, anaerobic power average and fatigue index in all subjects. To analyze the data, one-way ANOVA test and post hoc LSD tests at a significance level of 0.05 > α were used. Results:There was no significant difference between maximum (p=0.31), mean(p=0.22) anaerobic power and fatigue index(p=0.81) during 3 stage of RAST test.Conclusion:Based on the Results ofstudy, it seems that Hype and Big Bear energy drinks could not improve the anaerobic powers and decline of fatigue of teenager football players during RAST test performance.


  1. گائینی، عباسعلی. ستاری فرد، صادق. رضایی، وجیهه. 1391، تاثیر کوتاه مدت دو نوشیدنی انر‍ژی‌زا بر توان بی‌هوازی دانشجویان دختر ورزشکار. پژوهش‌های کاربردی مدیریت و علوم زیستی در ورزش، شماره 1، ص ص 69- 74
  2. فروزش، قادر. نیک بخت، مسعود. محمد شاهی، مجید. 1390. مقایسه اثر مصرف یک نوشابه انرژی‌زا با محلول قندی ساده بر توان بی‌هوازی، شاخص خستگی و لاکتات خون. مجله علمی پژوهشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید صدوقی یزد:: دوره 19 ، شماره 6 ص ص 754-765
  • Receive Date: 21 June 2015
  • Revise Date: 03 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2020
  • First Publish Date: 31 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 22 November 2015