Effect of four- and eight-week concurrent training on inflammatory markers, muscular strength, and cardiorespiratory function in inactive adolescent girls

Document Type : original article


Effect of concurrent training on inflammatory status and physical fitness of inactive adolescent girls has less been
studied. The purpose of this study was to survey effect of four- and eight-week concurrent training on inflammatory
markers, muscular strength, and cardio respiratory function in inactive adolescent girls. In a semi-experimental
study, twenty three inactive adolescent girls were randomly placed at two groups: training (n=11, 17.07±0.28 yr,
53.45±8.7 kg, 20.98±3.9 kg/m2) and control (n=12, 17.16±0.25 yr, 56.50±9.1 kg, 21.44±3.1 kg/m2). General
characteristics of subjects and serum levels of inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis
factor-alpha (TNF-α) were assessed before and after fourth and eighth weeks of training period. Concurrent training
protocol was included eight weeks rhythmic aerobics and weight training (3 sessions per week, aerobics with
intensity 60-75% of maximum heart rate and duration of 15-30 min and weight training with intensity of60-70% of
one repetition maximum and duration of 25-55 min per each session). Data were analyzed by two-factor ANOVA
with repeated measures test.Statistical significance was accepted at P<0.05. Body weight, body mass index, body
fat percent, and serum concentrations of CRP and TNF-α didn’t change after training period. Muscular strength and
cardio respiratory function were increased at end of fourth week, and more, eighth week of training period (P<0.05).
Performing concurrent training has no effect on anthropometrics and inflammatory markers of inactive adolescent
girls, while improved the health-related physical fitness and this improvement was more following eight- than fourweek


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  • Receive Date: 09 December 2015
  • Revise Date: 13 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2020
  • First Publish Date: 31 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 20 February 2015