The Effect of three month aerobic exercise whit moderate intensity on BDNF, and cognitive performance in 50-65 years old women with syndrome metabolic

Document Type : original article


Aim: The aim of this research was investigation the effect of twelve week aerobic exercise whit moderate intensity on on BDNF, and cognitive performance in 50-65 years old women with syndrome metabolic.
Methods: 24 women with metabolic syndrome (MetS) took part voluntarily and divided in tow group MetS exercise (ME), MetS control (MC). ME group participated in an aerobic exercise training (AT) program (12 weeks), tree session per week, each session contain tree performing part and tow rest part. Also blood samples were conducted before and after training for evaluate levels of BDNF. Cognitive performance measured by Digit span memory test. Data were analyzed using Pearson coefficient, pried-sample T-Test, and independent samples T-Test.
Results: BDNF and cognitive performance after tree month aerobic exercise significantly changed (P˃0.05). BDNF and cognitive performance after tree month in control group didn’t significantly changed (P


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  • Receive Date: 27 March 2016
  • Revise Date: 19 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2020
  • First Publish Date: 31 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 22 May 2017