Effect of inspiratory muscle training at high altitude on energy cost, arterial oxygen saturation and 1500m performance of national team's endurance runners

Document Type : original article


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of inspiratory muscle training at high altitude on Energy cost,
peripheral capillary oxygen saturation and 1500m performance among endurance runners. Methods: The study was
carried on a group of Twelve endurance male runners (age: 244.41±3.14yrs, height: 180.5±4.23cm, weight: 66.75±3.46
kg, Body mass index: 20.53±1.07) among Iranian national team were randomly divided into case IMT training and control
group in hypoxic condition. Exhaustive testing 1500m, energy coast, strength Index and arterial oxygen saturation tests
were taken before and 24hour after. Training program include same continues, interval, aerobic and resistance training for
two groups. Runners performed 16 training session per week in high live train high and low (LHTH,L) within four weeks
(just 3 training sessions per week at even days performed at low altitude). Results: Data were analyzed by analysis of
ANOVA repeated measure (P≤0.05). Inspiratory muscle training at hypoxia due to significant decrease in 1500m running
time, inspiratory muscle strength and Energy coast in both group, but the differences in peripheral capillary oxygen
saturation were not significant (P≤0.05). Conclusions: This study suggests that using inspiratory muscle training along
with specified training in hypoxia increases inspiratory muscle strength and reduction in the work of breathing meanwhile
it decreases ventilation and 1500meter running time in lower altitude.


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Volume 9, Issue 2 - Serial Number 18
September 2016
Pages 1435-1446
  • Receive Date: 27 February 2017
  • Revise Date: 11 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2020
  • First Publish Date: 31 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 21 November 2016