The effect of eight weeks resistance training in response to PYY hormone in nonathletic fat women

Document Type : original article


PYY is an intestinal peptid that has a basic role in control of receiving food. However, changes of PYY after
adaptaion to resistance training has not been examined. The purpose of this research is examining of the effect
of eight weeks resistance training on PYY levels of the plasma in nonathletic fat women in the fast conditions.
For this purpose, 24 fat women with average age (33/08±2/24 year) that had not antecedent in a specific
sickness accidentally divided into experimental group (n=13) and control group (n=11). The amount of
weight, eight, percent of fat and body mass index (BMI) as primary data were measured by specific
instruments. Then, experimental group did circle training with weight and by using main muscles and
regarding excess load principle for eight weeks and 3 sessions of a week. Two procedures of blooding was
done, one was done in the morning while all subjects had not eaten anything for 12 hours and the other one
was done 48 hours after the last session of training (2cc from left forearm). The results show that resistance
training significantly changesPYY levels of experimental group (p=0/001) in compare to control group and
decreased level of this hormone in the fast conditions. This shows increased appetite and desire to eat to
compensate the amount of energy that is used during the training.


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  • Receive Date: 09 December 2015
  • Revise Date: 12 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2020
  • First Publish Date: 31 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 20 February 2015