The effect of cold water immersion after eccentric exercise on myogenic, inflammatory and muscle damage responses In FHL skeletal muscle in rats

Document Type : original article


Purpose: cold water immersion is considered to accelerate the recovery from damaging exercise for athletes. Given
the importance of satellite cells and the role of inflammatory responses in regeneration process, the purpose of this
study was to investigate the effect of cold water immersion on MyoD gene expression as an activation marker of
satellite cells, CK as an indirect marker of damage and IL-6, IL-10 as inflammatory markers after eccentric exercise
in male rats. Methods: 30 young and healthy male Wistar rats (Weight range= 300±10) were assigned randomly in
5 groups each consisting of 6 subjects. It was an experimental research and subjects participated in eccentric
exercise protocol (90min). Then they were compared in tow groups with and without cold water immersion
(10min), in 3 and 48 hours after exercise in changes of MyoD gene expression in FHL skeletal muscle and the level
of serum CK,IL-6 and IL-10. We used Rest software for analyzing MyoD gene expression and independent T test
for analyzing serum data's. Results: Results showed that mRNA MyoD has been increased three hours after
eccentric exercise in cold water immersion group and the level of IL-6, IL-10 decreased significantly in that group
in compare with the group of three hours after eccentric exercise without cold water immersion. There is no
significant change in CK. There was no significant changes in mRNA MyoD and serum CK,IL-6,IL-10 in 48 hour
after eccentric exercise and cold water immersion. Conclusion: Based on findings of the present study, cold water
during recovery may cause the activation of satellite cells and decrease the inflammatory responses after eccentric
exercise in early phase of damage.


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  • Receive Date: 09 December 2015
  • Revise Date: 12 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2020
  • First Publish Date: 31 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 20 February 2015