Aims: Over the eight-year war against Iran, more than 50 thousand as chemical victims had been affected to eye, skin and Pulmonary probelms. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of regular physical training program on activity of daily living (ADL) in chemical victis. Methods: two groups of chemical victims contains 50 training and 50 controls were studied. The regular physical training program contains 16 weeks, 3 session per week 30 – 60 recretional, noncompetitive exercises. health conditions of the studied population was measured by ADL test. U Manwitny was used to compare means (p˂0.05). Results: There were significant correlations between regular physical training program and bowel control (p=0.001), bladder control(p=0.045) and the ability of stairs climbing(p=0.000). Conclusion:The study revealed that physical training program in chemical victims accompanied with better activity of daily living.
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(2017). Effect of regular physical training program on activity of daily living (ADL) in chemical victims. Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology, 10(1), 41-46. doi: 10.48308/joeppa.2017.98866
. "Effect of regular physical training program on activity of daily living (ADL) in chemical victims", Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology, 10, 1, 2017, 41-46. doi: 10.48308/joeppa.2017.98866
(2017). 'Effect of regular physical training program on activity of daily living (ADL) in chemical victims', Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology, 10(1), pp. 41-46. doi: 10.48308/joeppa.2017.98866
, "Effect of regular physical training program on activity of daily living (ADL) in chemical victims," Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology, 10 1 (2017): 41-46, doi: 10.48308/joeppa.2017.98866
Effect of regular physical training program on activity of daily living (ADL) in chemical victims. Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology, 2017; 10(1): 41-46. doi: 10.48308/joeppa.2017.98866