Article acceptance process

For many publishers of reputable international scientific journals, the clearance of accepting and publishing process of manuscripts is extremely important. In the Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology of Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, an effort has been made to facilitate and clarify the process of  submitting, reviewing and accepting the manuscripts for the respected author (s) by providing an objective guide. This process includes steps that are described as follows:

1)Registration step in the website

At this step, before submitting their manuscript, it is necessary for the author (s) to register their identity information as a new user in the official system of the Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology of Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran at To do so, first go to the main page of the journal, enter the menu 'Login' and activate the submenu by clicking on 'Register in the system'. Then enter your personal and academic information as well as your user code in Persian and accurately on the registration page. In this section, new users must also define their user code, which is their ID to log in to the system. After completing the requested information, it will be possible to save your information. After storing the information, a message will be sent to your e-mail containing the user code and password in the system.

* It should be noted that the information in this section is editable and it is recommended that you change the received password.

2) Manuscript submission step

After registering in the website of the Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology of Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, it is possible  for you to submit a manuscript  on this site. At this step, in order to submit a manuscript , after logging in, you can enter your 'personal page' by entering your username and password. In the user roles section, the author role is active for you. By clicking on the author icon, the article submission page will be activated for you. On this page, a new article submission page will be appear in  the new articles box, which includes providing information in five steps, which is shown in the image below.

image article acceptane process

3) Initial evaluation of the article

At this step, the manuscript  is simultaneously evaluated in two ways. First of all, the submitted manuscript  will be evaluated in terms of whether it fits with the scope and aims of the journal or not, and if it is found to be inconsistent with the scope, the manuscript  will be rejected, otherwise, if the manuscript  format is met it may enter to the review process. In this regard, the technical experts of the journal examine the submitted article in terms of compliance or non-compliance with the format of the journal (including the structure and order of the manuscript components, style and font, page size, citation and reference) and in In case of non-compliance, the author (s) are required to adjust the format of the manuscript and resend it.

4) reviewing step

Before reviewing, the authors of the manuscripts whose manuscript have received initial approval in terms of format and coordination with the content , must pay the reviewing fee, which is equivalent to 1/000/000 Rials, to the journal account through the system. It should be noted that payment at this stage is not considered as acceptance of the manuscript and in case of initial review and rejection of the article, the deposit will not be refundable.

 After that, the editorial board decides on the appointment of a reviewer . In determining the reviewer an attempt is made to select at least two reviewers from among the experts and specialists related to the submitted manuscript. It should be noted that this journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. In cases of disagreement between the same reviewers, the final acceptance or non-acceptance decision is made by the third reviewer or the editorial team.

5) Decision on the article (acceptance / rejection)

After obtaining the opinion of the reviewers, the editorial board decides on the rejection, edit or acceptance of the manuscript based on the opinion of the reviewers. If the total comments were non-acceptance of the article, the letter of non-acceptance of the article will be sent to the authors and the article will be excluded from the review process.

If the article was intended to be revised, the items will be sent to the author and the revised manuscript will enter the final acceptance process if the final reviewers opinion is satisfied, otherwise it may re-enter the revision process or even be rejected.

6) Print and publish the article

Finally, after the editon made by the authors and the final approval and acceptance of the manuscript by the editorial board, the article will enter the acceptance and publication step. It should be noted that the final publication of the article is subject to the payment of the costs of printing and publishing the article by the author (s). For this purpose, the authors are required to deposit the amount of 1,000,000 Rials for usual reviewing and 2,000,000 Rials for quick review to the journal through the link that is activated on the article submission page.

A brief overview of the article acceptance process can be found in the Flowchart section of the User Guide.