Effect of Stimulative, sedative, mix and brain-waves stimulator music on improving performance in physical education female college students

Document Type : original article


Today, it has paid attention to using different kinds of music in sport and rehabilitation domain. But the results of studies about the effectiveness of kinds of music are different. This research aimed at investigating the effect of listening to four kinds of music (stimulative, sedative, mix, and brain wave stimulator) during performing exhausting physical activity on improving athletic performance in adult females. To do this, 10 physical education students studying at Kharazmi University were selected. The subjects performed the Bruce multistage exercise protocol in five groups including physical activity without music and with sedative, motivational, brain-waves stimulator, and mixed music during non-continuous days in crossed design. Blood lactate concentration, heart rate, physical activity time to exhaustion, perception of exertion and time, state of feeling vigor, were measured immediately after exercise protocol. The results of this research showed that blood lactate concentration in three groups (physical activity synchronize with brain wave stimulator, motivational, and mixed music was higher in comparison to the group of physical activity without music but the difference was not significant. Also, the result showed that listening to sedative, brain wave stimulator, motivational, and mixed music had no significant effect on heart rate. But listening to the brain wave stimulator, motivational, and mixed music had a meaningful effect on increasing physical activity time to exhaustion, state of feeling vigor, and one’s perception of exertion and time (p


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  • Receive Date: 12 July 2016
  • Revise Date: 19 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2020
  • First Publish Date: 31 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 22 November 2017