Referees Guide

Dear reviewer

To review articles, you need to register in the system and log in with your username and password. The username is usually the user's email unless you change it. If you have forgotten your password, click on "Login". Then select "Forgot your password!" Choose.

If the e-mail defined on the site is not an e-mail that you use on a daily basis, please inform the magazine through the Contact Us section so that the previous user is deactivated and a new e-mail user is defined in the system.

To enter the site to review articles electronically, follow the steps below.

There are three options on the reviewer personal page:

1 New articles in need of review

2 Articles in review

3 reviewed articles

If he accepts articles submitted by the editor for review, these articles will be displayed in the option of articles under review.

Articles that have been reviewed are displayed in the third option. In this case, it is necessary to complete the reviewer form online.

It is also possible to send the description as a separate file.

If you have a Tejarat Bank account number, please enter the account number, branch name and branch code on the page related to the arbitrator. Also, if you have an account in other banks, announce the Sheba number. (Sheba number is a 24-digit number that, if received, can be sent to the relevant account from any bank). 


Dashbor reviewer