The impact of ischemic preconditioning on some aspects of sports performance: A review article

Document Type : review article


Department of Eexercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Ischemic Preconditioning (IPC) is a relatively new and non-invasive method involving the application of limited blood flow and its subsequent reperfusion in a specific body organ, such as the hand or leg, using a cuff pressure device. The main goal of this method is to prepare the body to cope with more severe ischemic injuries that may occur in the future. Although, IPC has gathered significant attention in clinical settings, its effects on aerobic, resistance, and speed performance and underlying mechanisms remain unclear and contradictory. Therefore, the aim of this comprehensive review article is to examine the impact of IPC on aerobic, resistance, and speed performance. Studies investigating the effects of IPC on various aspects of sports performance were included in this analysis. Relevant scientific articles were extensively searched by two researchers using databases such as PubMed, SID, Magiran, and Google Scholar. The selected keywords for the search included ischemic preconditioning, aerobic, strength, and speed performance. The inclusion criteria for the selected studies involved human subjects, publication in reputable scientific or peer-reviewed  journals, and evaluation of the desired variables in these studies. A total of 15 studies were examined in this review. The diversity of exercise protocols, target body parts, intensity, and other known and unknown factors were evaluated in the findings section. Overall, the effectiveness of IPC on sports performance variables indicated its positive impact on aerobic, strength, and speed performance. These positive adaptations are created through various signaling pathways, including neural, humoral, and intercellular mechanisms. These processes play a significant role in how our body respond to stimuli such as ischemic preconditioning. It seems that ischemic preconditioning has an effective impact on sports performance. However, considering the limited and conflicting current research on its effects, further studies in this area are necessary.


Main Subjects


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Volume 17, Issue 3 - Serial Number 39
September 2024
Pages 124-138
  • Receive Date: 10 May 2024
  • Revise Date: 11 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 13 June 2024
  • First Publish Date: 13 June 2024
  • Publish Date: 22 August 2024