Main Subjects = biochemistry and metabolism
The Effects of Normal and Interrupted Sleep Combined with Acute Caffeine Supplementation on Some Immune System Indices and Anaerobic Power in Male Athletes

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 July 2024


mohammad hossein hashemzadeh; farhad rahmaninia; payam saidie

Responses of maximal fat oxidation and Fatmax to incremental exercise and electrical muscle stimulation in overweight men

Volume 17, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 20-33


Minoo Bassami; Shirin Khaknejad; Rasoul Easlami; Ali Nejatian Hoseinpour

The effect of HMB-FA supplementation on hormonal balance during a two-match soccer microcycle

Volume 16, Issue 1, February 2023, Pages 46-55


Rasoul Eslami; Minoo Bassami; Navab Abnama; Bagher Rezaei